Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dr. Wheatgrass - Thursday Feb 5th at 4pm Pacific!

Astonishing miracles are possible with the humble blade of grass! On Thursday's show we don't just think about them philosophically, we get right into real cases of "miracle cures" with Dr. Chris Reynolds. Dr. Chris has used wheatgrass as medicine for eczema, poor would healing, plantar fascitis, chronic fatigue, cancer and much more. He knows the important nutrition in wheatgrass as well as its healing potential. The more we dive into the power of grass (wheatgrass that is), the more it seems to reveal its complexities. Wheatgrass contains nearly every vitamin and mineral needed by humans. It contains the powerful antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase, the amino acid Tryptophan, the anti-cancer vitamin B17 (laetrile), and much much much more.

Tune in on Thursday, February 5th at 4pm Pacific time!

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