Saturday, February 28, 2009

Traditions of Ann Wigmore: True Living Foods Are Dynamic and Life Saving

On Thursday, March 5th, we have an interview to knock your socks off! I speak with Lalita Salas and Leola Brooks of the Ann Wigmore Institute. These amazing women are the dedicated keepers of the brilliant traditions of Ann Wigmore, the pioneer and founder of the modern day living foods movement. Lalita and Leola took over the institute in 1994, when Dr. Ann died tragically in an electrical fire in Boston. They have been the holders of the flame, so to speak. With few resources they have maintained the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico. As such, they have held firm the traditions that Dr. Ann dedicated her life to. These are the core life saving and life giving food system that includes:

Buckwheat Sprouts
Sunflower Sprouts
Energy Soup
and much more.

Learn about the nutrition of these important and true living foods, how Dr. Ann developed this system and how science is now proving Dr. Ann's suppositions correct at every corner. This is sure to be a heart-centered and information filled hour! You will love the dedication and wisdom of Leola and Lalita. Join us on March 5th at 4pm PACIFIC TIME.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dr. Wheatgrass - Thursday Feb 5th at 4pm Pacific!

Astonishing miracles are possible with the humble blade of grass! On Thursday's show we don't just think about them philosophically, we get right into real cases of "miracle cures" with Dr. Chris Reynolds. Dr. Chris has used wheatgrass as medicine for eczema, poor would healing, plantar fascitis, chronic fatigue, cancer and much more. He knows the important nutrition in wheatgrass as well as its healing potential. The more we dive into the power of grass (wheatgrass that is), the more it seems to reveal its complexities. Wheatgrass contains nearly every vitamin and mineral needed by humans. It contains the powerful antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase, the amino acid Tryptophan, the anti-cancer vitamin B17 (laetrile), and much much much more.

Tune in on Thursday, February 5th at 4pm Pacific time!