Sunday, October 26, 2008

Food Awakenings - October 30th Show

Interview with John Kallas with Wild Food Adventures! I am very honored to have John Kallas, PhD. along to talk with us. John has a Doctorate in nutrition, a Masters in education, and degrees in biology and zoology. He's a trained botanist, nature photographer, writer, researcher, and teacher. Dr. Kallas has researched edible wild plants since 1970 and taught in colleges, universities, and to the general public since 1978. He has taught and trained thousands of people about wild foods all over North America, given hundreds of wild food presentations to a variety of groups, amassed one of the largest personal wild food libraries in the country, and continues to build on his wild food/nature slide collection. Dr. Kallas started Wild Food Adventures in 1993 and the Wild Food Adventurer newsletter in April of 1996. He's its publisher and editor.

John has many more credentials, such as teaching wild food classes at Michigan State University and Portland State University. We will talk about the evolution of the Wild Food movement, John's personal experience with wild foods, and some of the exciting research he has done in the course of writing his next book. John is so rich in information; he has devoted his life to the expansion of the knowledge of wild foods. This is knowledge that we need now more than ever. I know you will enjoy listening to this informative and engaging show. The show will air at BlogTalkRadio under the Health and Harmony Radio Network at 4pm Pacific time on Thursday, October, 30th.